
Saturday, April 30, 2005

The Snows of Kilimanjaro

Walmart had a special on this DVD a while back. I think we paid about a buck. I bought it because of my interest in AIDS orphans (over 900,000 of them) in Tanzania as well as fair trade coffee, some of which is grown in the shadows of Mount Kilimanjaro. "The Snows..." is a curious movie by today's standards. Gregory Peck plays Harry Street. Street and his friends have gone to Africa to kill big game. The idea of killing elephants and other big game is abhorrent to most people today, though there are still those who hunt on the sly. Anyway, Street is wounded and spends his time musing about whether he has led a worthwhile life to that point or not. (By today's standards, he hasn't. Maybe that's why Hemingway killed himself years later.)

Vultures gather in a near by tree, a sign that he is about to die. One night, hyenas who also feed on carrion, inspect the camp site. Susan nurtures him back to health. And they know he is cured when the vultures leave.

I had the image of vultures and hyenas in my mind while reading The Working Poor. David Shipler points out that the heartless gather to victimize the poor whenever they get a chance at the little money poor people do have. In 1975, Congress enacted the Earned Income Tax Credit as an anti poverty program. In 2002, the program paid $32 billion dollars to 19 million households. People who work "off the clock" don't receive any of this money because it goes only to people who have W2 forms, thus people who pay payroll taxes. Generally, it arrives as a federal income tax refund.

Enter the vultures and hyenas. They are the tax preparers who "help" the working poor do their tax returns and file electronically. The working poor often don't have checking accounts. Banks penalize mismanaged checking accounts with all sorts of fees. The IRS prefers to direct deposit so the tax service will provide a temporary account to receive this bonus. Want your refund in advance? Of course. The tax preparer will "loan" you the money. Fees add up to an annual percentage loan rate of over 500%! Fees are charged for every part of the transaction. The tax preparers aren't only the fly by night. Among others, H&R Block has been in court over this more than once.

In Oregon, the current Legislature is considering the Pay Day loan industry, which like the above mentioned tax preparers charge an 500% annual precentage rate for their services. Chances are, there will be few restraints because this industry has a powerful lobby. There are more Pay Day loan outlets in Oregon than McDonald's restaurants. Some speculate that they are fronts for big banking firms who are regulated as to the interest they can charge. This week, the junk food industry was allowed to keep selling junk food in Oregon public schools. This is an issue because of childhood obesity. Childhood obesity is a leading cause of diabetes and junk food contributes greatly to the problem. But the legislature was told that children should have "choice." A large chunk of the Oregon Health Plan goes to fund diabetes and diabetes related diseases, so selling junk food in schools ends up being a tax on everyone who pays taxes. We don't have a "choice."

I was over at the capitol a couple of weeks ago during the noon hour. The Oregon Fryers Assn was providing legislators and their staffs a free chicken dinner. Why wouldn't they give a free meal to the working poor instead?
Foolish question.

Unfortunately for the working poor, the vultures and hyenas gather, but they never go away until the bones are picked clean.

The Working Poor. Invisible in America

This is a good reference book for those who are concerned about the poor in America. The copyright is 2004, so it is recent. How is poverty measured? The Poverty Level Review Committee sets the official poverty level based on outdated concepts from 1955. The original standard was three times the food budget for a family of four. This mythical family had a working father and stay-at-home mom. (Thus there was no provision for child care, among other flaws.) You might be interested in taking a look at that. The Institute for Public Policy has the information. They state: "The bottom line is that the current system of measurement is out-dated and seriously underestimates the count of the number of poor people in this country. If the government were to acknowledge the true extent of poverty, it would need to dedicate a greater share of its resources to pay the costs of programs to help the poor. It is unfortunately cheaper to use an outdated system of measurement so that fewer people will be in poverty by government standards."
There is a way to estimate how many working poor there are in the United States. In fact, the IRS knows.
That's because the employers have to turn in W2 forms and they can figure it out from there. If you don't work, you don't get a W2. The working poor are acknowledged as being entitled to an Earned Income Tax Credit. 19 million received the benefit for the year 2002. That was 75% of the eligible households. 100% equals 25,333,333 working poor households. Now, of course, there are millions of people working off the clock. No W2s. They are not considered in these figures. And there are plenty who don't fit the households category as well.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

A little Weekend Project for the Ipod Deprived

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven." As the more popular forms of media change, we face the question, "do we save this, or pass it along to Goodwill?" I'm not part of the Ipod Generation as yet. I've got some favorite cassette tapes and I still like to walk and listen to them. They have been buried behind the easy chair in cases I used to use to carry them in my car. The car now has a cd player, so no need for the cases anymore. Not convenient. Time for reorganization. This little tape case is the answer I came up with over the weekend. I could also have titled this entry as "fun with a router." It's nice to have a few tools.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Saturday, April 23, 2005

April Showers

As gentle rain showers fall outside St. Mark Lutheran -- Salem Oregon, inside a shower of gifts is gathering for the Children of Yatima Group Trust Fund Orphanage. A was shopping today so we will be bringing these gifts. We'll turn them over to Dr. James Lace tomorrow. A Salem pediatrician who holds these children in his heart, he will be speaking at our forum. Want to help? We welcome your support.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Lutheran Day at the Oregon Legislature

Today I called on the offices of Oregon Representative Vickie Berger and Oregon Senator Jackie Winters. I am supporting legisation to control "pay day loan" operations which often charge interest rates over 500%! This was part of Lutheran Advocacy of Oregon. The day started with meetings at St. Mark Lutheran Church. Often at such meetings I don't know anyone. I was greatly surprised and highly pleased to be greeted by Lisa Wenzlick (Sandau). She is very active in this ministry in her own congregation and appears in a video distributed nationally by Bread for the World.

Advocacy means being the voice of those who have no voice in places of power, especially at the state and national governmental levels. In the public sector, it is called lobbying. And I suppose corporations devote billions of dollars to the process. Why? Because it gets results. We've discovered that people in government will also listen to the ordinary man if he can come and make his case. That's what advocacy is all about, and that's what I did today. Bread for the World is also an advocacy organization. Click on the link to learn more about it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Is the Pope catholic?

That all depends on whether you spell catholic with a large or a small c. A large "C" equals Roman Catholic. And of course, the new pope is Roman Catholic. He is the Head of the Church which finds its headquarters within Rome, Italy. This is the Catholic Church that flaunts its voice and power, opposes any new science, or modern view, interferes with American elections, opposes abortion rights, gay rights, and hides pedofiles and allows them to celebrate Mass in the holy city. Thinking people do not regard those dripping with the trappings of wealth and power as humble workers. Nor do they think he has a special pipe line to God just because he prays in the Sistene Chapel beneath the priceless art of Michaelanglo.
However, if you spell catholic with a small "c", it means universal. And in that sense, no, the pope is not catholic. He does not represent all Christians everywhere and he does not represent me. If the Pope were truly catholic, he would reach out to the poor of the world whose poverty is often caused by policies of his church body. There's still a difference between talking the talk and walking the walk.

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27

Sorry, this Pope is not catholic.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Look for the rainbow

There's just a hint of rainbow midst the cherry blossoms. Look for it!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

The 62,471 Mile Tune Up

This is what the components look like when you tune up your car after 62,471 miles. The replacement filters are snow white. The big rectangle is the air filter. The circle is the filter from the charcoal canister. The item with the wire is the oxygen sensor. These are from the 88 Type T Buick Electra which has a total of 236,500 miles on it. Hopefully, now it will pass DEQ test.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Ready for Its New Home

This is the completed paper cabinet with shelves installed, now ready to travel to its new home..

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Saying Goodbye

As time approaches for moving in (tommorow), M & C say "Goodbye" to the trash dumpster which they very nearly filled.
The driver wasn't there for more than five minutes.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Forever Young

Back in 1992, Mel Gibson made a movie entitled Forever Young It's about a test pilot who, in 1939 test pilot asks his best friend to use him as a guinea pig for a cryogenics experiment. He awakens 53 years later forever young.
Death makes those who die early forever young. Some are famous, some are not.
The famous include Deitrich Bonhoeffer. A German pastor, he stood up against the Nazis and spoke out for the Jews. The Nazis executed him 60 years ago Saturday. Our church had a seminar on his life and the thing that struck me the most was that while he became frozen in time, I haven't. I first heard of him in school in the 1950's. His ideas at the weekend seminar were the same. But my ideas about most things have changed dramtically.
My mom died when she was 27. I was two. She became changeless. But I've grown old enough to be her father.
Now, the Pope we've known and grown old with for the last 26 years has died. And he will be forever what he was on the day he died. We, hopefully, however will continue to grow.

Finally, Lilac Time!!!!!!!

No one loves liliacs more than A. And no one has more trouble growing them. Finally, this year, she hit the jackpot.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Paper Stock Stack

I just placed the final coat of varnish on creative pants' stock paper shelves. Looks good if I do say so myself.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Floor covering is now in place!

This completes what was started in the post below.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

First Piece of sub flooring goes down

in M & C's work under progress bathroom. When done, it will look marvelous!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

True Religion = Visiting Orphans and Widows

You are invited to a “Baby” Shower

for Yatima Orphans

Sunday, April 24, after both services

in the Lounge

For several years, and in various ways, St. Mark has helped the 100 children

of Yatima Orphanage in Tanzania, East Africa,

with Salem pediatrician, Dr. James Lace, a trustee there since 2001.

Because of AIDS, these children have lost their parents and just about everything.

Some Gift Ideas…

(no gift wrapping is needed)

(shipping will be paid by Dr. Lace)

Shoes (any kind, any size—child to adult)

Jeans, shorts, slacks—all sizes

Backpacks/small book bags (20 needed)

Make-up for teen girls (just like American girls!)

CDs of popular teen music

Any gently used clothing for children of all ages


May contribute toward sponsorships of individual children

(tax-deductible checks payable to Yatima Group Fund, a 501(c)3 corporation)

Hosted by St. Mark Social Ministry

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Remodeling Fun

It has been fun and interesting helping M & C remodel their first home as they get ready to move in. They are completely revamping the kitchen and bathroom. That means out with the old and in with the new. The big obstacle in the bathroom was the cast iron tub, like the one from Ebay pictured above. Cast iron equals heavy. And of course the drain is attached to the plumbing under the house at an obsure location. There is a market for the claw footed cast iron tubs, but this one was not in that category. I would put its weight in the class of a fully loaded refrigerator. Richard happened to leave his appliance handtruck at M & C's, and that turned out to be a big part of the solution. But the pooled resources of the four of us enabled us to deposit this item in the dumpster in the driveway by about 7:00 or 7:30 Friday. Misson Accomplished! As a post script, our church fellowship group met for brunch yesterday. The only other man there besides myself was a professonal remodeler. He said that you can actually break these tubs up with a sleg hammer, since they are cast iron. However, there would be splinters of porcelain all over the place. The last one he took out he did our way, with a refrigerator handtruck. Pictures were taken, so perhaps you'll see the action. Stay tuned!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Worth a Visit.....

in Lincoln City, if you are looking for good food at reasonable prices, try Avanti.
For those of us who converted to the vegetarian life style, there are menu items here that please. However,
the other items are excellent as well. Chick the link, check the site. They are within walking distance of the Sandcastle motel, which is a very reasonable place to stay.