This is what the components look like when you tune up your car after 62,471 miles. The replacement filters are snow white. The big rectangle is the air filter. The circle is the filter from the charcoal canister. The item with the wire is the oxygen sensor. These are from the 88 Type T Buick Electra which has a total of 236,500 miles on it. Hopefully, now it will pass DEQ test.
You're point being...?
I think it is great to keep a great car like this one going. That is ran at all without a tune up is in itself remarkable. Total Care Car repair shop in Portland said it wasn't worth keeping, but I consider them blood sucking leaches. They charge by the flat rate book and also charge a mark up price for parts. I've discovered a person can buy the parts himself for less. Unless it is in an accident,--which is something we have no control over with all the bad drivers on the road, --this car has lots of miles in it yet.
I don't always have a point...
however, these items won't need to be done for at least another 30,000 miles. That means, at the rate this car is currently driven, these things won't need repeating for two or three years, maybe longer.
It's been a very good car to me. If I remember correctly, the bastards and Total Care Care said this car would never pass the DEQ test with out a bunch of repairs - that was two years ago right before the car passed the test.
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