That all depends on whether you spell catholic with a large or a small c. A large "C" equals Roman Catholic. And of course, the new pope is Roman Catholic. He is the Head of the Church which finds its headquarters within Rome, Italy. This is the Catholic Church that flaunts its voice and power, opposes any new science, or modern view, interferes with American elections, opposes abortion rights, gay rights, and hides pedofiles and allows them to celebrate Mass in the holy city. Thinking people do not regard those dripping with the trappings of wealth and power as humble workers. Nor do they think he has a special pipe line to God just because he prays in the Sistene Chapel beneath the priceless art of Michaelanglo.
However, if you spell catholic with a small "c", it means universal. And in that sense, no, the pope is not catholic. He does not represent all Christians everywhere and he does not represent me. If the Pope were truly catholic, he would reach out to the poor of the world whose poverty is often caused by policies of his church body. There's still a difference between talking the talk and walking the walk.
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27
Sorry, this Pope is not catholic.
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