
Saturday, February 19, 2005

Take a couple minutes and join the fight!

Back on January 28, 2005 I pointed out in this blog that if you are using dairy products, you are ingesting growth hormone. (See "Got Milk" post for more information.) Today's Stateman Journal vindicates that post. Due to consumer complaints, the Tillamook County Creamery Association said Friday that it has asked all of its 147 member farmers to halt use of the recombinant bovine somatrotropin hormone, rBST. Monsanto has aggressively counter attacked, sending a key lawyer to Tillamook County to interfere in Creamery Association affairs. There are three parties you can send an email. Let Tillamook County Creamery Assocation know you care about their efforts on your behalf. Give a word of encouragement to Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility as well. And tell Monsanto to butt out! Thanks.

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