
Monday, October 18, 2010

Without Evidence

I was browsing through possible instant Netflix choices this morning and came across Without Evidence. It's the story of the Salem murder of Michael Francke in January, 1989. This was just after we returned to Oregon from Colorado.

The murder took place on the opposite side of Center Street from where One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was filmed in Salem. It's a street we often use. The Wikipedia article notes that the case became a battle involving the three Portland newspapers.

Frank Gable was convicted of the murder. They rounded Gable up in Coos Bay. He was kind of charming petty criminal who even though he was incarcerated married a defense attorney. A and K went to a couple sessions of his trial. I thought from the beginning that he was railroaded.

This belief was strenghtened by their shipping him out of state, far from the Willamette Valley to do his time. The tactic worked. Out of sight, out of mind. Getting a retrial or appeal has been difficult.

Without Evidence tells the story from his brother Kevin's point of view and features a young Angelia Jolie in a very convincing role. I consider the movie worth watching.

I also discovered that there is a Free Frank Gable website for those who wish to take a deeper look.

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