
Thursday, July 13, 2006

High Fructose Corn Syrup

One of the benefits of listening to podcasts is discovering new roads one had no intention to explore. Today, for example, I listened to Terry Gross' interview of Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma. He and his book are also featured in the current Smithsonian Magazine.

Both the interview and the Smithsonian article have to do with corn. As it turns out, corn dominates Iowa, our food system, and a dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico, where no fish can live.

The place where we are likely to meet corn on a very regular basis is not in corn on the cob, the delight of folks the likes Garrison Keillor of Lake Woebegon. We meet it as high fructose corn syrup. Go to your pantry and look at the ingredients panel of the foods you have on hand. I would be very surprised if you didn't find high fructose corn syrup, often as the second or third ingredient.

This stuff goes back only as far as the seventies. And, it pays a big role in making people fat. So you might want to take a closer look. Here's the podcast.


Unknown said...

Hello Everyone:

If interested Organically Speaking a Seattle base website has released a podcast (audio conversation) with Michael Pollan, The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals.

We our introducing a new audio comment system today, you can now leave an audio comment on any of our posts. You will find an "Insert Audio Comment" link at the bottom of the usual "Add Comment" space. All you need is a microphone.

Try it out and let Michael and John know what you think about the conversation!


All the best,

Holistic Conversations for a Sustainable World Who Share Your Passion for:

* high quality organic food
* natural, sustainable lifestyle
* ecology
* holistic health

Corn Fritters said...

Thanks Ricardo. I will visit the link you provided.