
Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Barkdust Highway

Since the mid seventies, the Northeast Salem Lion's Club has had an annual barkdust sale. We bought two and a half yards from them yesterday. It was needed at a newly prepared area down the hill in back of our house.

When we moved in, this area was a bramble patch of blackberry vines, willow logs and branches and most every kind of weed. We first put down a weed barrier, then we were ready for barkdust.

We decided to let gravity help us. There's an opening behind the bird feeder which allowed for
a makeshift plastic shoot.

I loaded up in the driveway and dumped behind the bird feeder.
A took it from there, reloaded dumped and spread. It was a long day, but worth it.
Here's the fotinia area.

And this is by our steps. Yes, I know, there's a lot more to come. But its a great beginning!

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