
Saturday, March 12, 2005

Leaving Ahead of the Game.....

It was very convenient, years ago, when Native Americans built their casino in Grand Ronde. It makes a good potty stop and even nicer, they give out free beverages, --both soda pop and coffee. You don't even have to ask. Just go to any number of stations and pick up your favorite. In the process, they became the Number One tourist attraction in the State of Oregon. It's only fair that a person would try one of their games of chance. On the trip over, I won $5.19. On the trip back, I lost $4.82. So I am up the price of a postage stamp, plus several cups of coffee!


Anonymous said...

You are right, it is in the perfect place for a rest stop. When I was coming home from Pacific City a few weeks ago, it was a life-saver (well at least it saved the car seat!) While there I dropped about $15 and walked out with $200!! I was sure glad it was there on that day.


Scavok said...

My only objection is that it has increased traffic in the Van Duzer corridor to the point where it is sometimes hard to smell the firs... or move.

I like the original rest stops with the creek running through them.

Although the casino is a good place to get a bite to eat.

Anonymous said...

I loved it because I was there with a childhood friend and his wife who were marvelous hosts. I happened to be in Salem to visit his brother and they ended up taking me in and treating me like royalty. I shall be forever indebted to them. I think I even came out a little ahead at the casino which made it even better.