You know Spring has come to Oregon when you hear frogs singing in the evening. We live on Lake Vanessa, a farmer's irrigation pond, really. Tonight, they sang at call intensity three. This means that there is a full chorus of calls, constant, continuous and overlapping. They sing "Life is good. Life goes on! Life is good. Life goes on!" Can you hear the frogs where you live?
We are a little too dry for frogs. There are toads in the summer when it gets warmer and wetter. Max likes to 'save' them from the lawnmower and put them in his water dish.
There are a couple of owls in our neighborhood who like to keep a running commentary on our backyard efforts. Mostly, it sounds like laughter.
Frogs, frogs, go away, come back some other day. Two froggy remembrances: Recently after the hurricanes in Florida my backyard ended up flooded and I ended with unwanted beachfront property and not the kind of comforting chorus of frogs. In fact it was like a Stephen King kind of reality that chilled your most tender sensibilities wherever they might lie. Trust me, it was weird. The other remembrance has to do with the author of "As Time Goes By". It was in South Tacoma, Washington when we were kids. It involved "his honor," his brother, and another Bob. We are talking three Bobs and a Jim. Basically we were stalking frogs. Am not sure that was even Biblical, but that is what we were doing. I don't believe that it was prohibited in Luther's Small Catechism, and I think it was still okay according to Orville Pieper, a little known Lutheran dogmatitian who may have inadvertantly discovered popcorn while ice fishing in northern Minnesota.
At any rate, after several hours of stalking frogs, this Bob began to itch and itch, and itch some more. He finally gave up his stalking and humbly returned home and confessed to his mother that he had an insatiable itch to which not even God's Grace could bring satisfaction and balm.
To this Bob's greatest humiliation, his mother requested that all clothes be removed. His wise mother discovered that this Bob was covered with sand fleas that had a special attraction just for him. After at least 55 years it is probably appropriate for this Bob to forgive another Bob, a relative of "As Time Goes By" for leading him into the sands of sins and fleas. YOU ARE FORGIVEN!
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